Short codes in all modern themes are created with Shortcodes Ultimate. We strongly believe that short codes have no business weighing down themes. With Shortcodes Ultimate you can choose only the short codes you want, and most importantly, if (more like, when) you decide to change your theme, you won’t lose everything!

You get what you deserve

You get what you deserve means that you create what is happening to you in your relationships, and in most circumstances in your life. Said that way, it may cause a bit of discomfort, or it may cause some upset. But, it is true and it is a great place from which to really take […]


If you want to understand why your life goes as it does…where do you start?

I was in my 30’s and in graduate school. I knew that I was somehow involved in what happened in my life, in creating my life. But I didn’t have a real idea of how I created my life beyond ‘being clear about my goal, being motivated, giving 110 %, and never giving up’. Sometimes […]


Traditional psychotherapy is very likely a waste of your time and your money.

If you understand that your life is not going in the direction you want, you may seek traditional psychotherapy. I’ll argue that’s a mistake for most people…probably you. Let’s see why. Traditional psychotherapy is a process of finding out more about who you are and why things happen to you that you don’t want to […]


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